Welcome back, fans!
remove ARI from NHL teams on Weekly Offnights
Some missing fields when comparing players in trade and FVPG calculations.
Introduce a fuzzy-search to all player searches for misspellings
Some players did not appear in player search if identified as non-roster contracts (if out/IR at the time of build)
major rework to align with new API data
Switch ownership and trade calculators to current season (most teams have played enough games)
style issue with spoilers on Weekly Offnights
Speed dial component opens down, sometimes off-page which does not allow you to select settings
synergy page is found in SEO searches but is broken, so cleaned it up (not ready yet, though)
SEO sand site metadata fixup
3x daily updates on rosters, points and schedule
lots of small css/style improvements and fixes
major refactor to improve redraw times across the site
Weekly offnights displaying wrong week in new season
Weekly offnights does not show the first week for recommendations
Weekly offnights temporarily use FVPG previous season
Reworking CICD to make the project easier to collaborate on
Switch host/build infrastructure for upcoming season
Support for 0gar.com and 0gamesabovereplacement.com!
Cleanup data handling for ownership, games and players
Roster Optimizer does not show scheduled gmaes if they are still TBD timing
Weekly Offnights does not show games beyond the 29th week of the schedule
several small tweaks to make pages load faster and more consistently
Roster Optimizer now has a speed dial and settings for player suggestion league type
Ownership NextGames hidden on RO
Favicon and nice title on tab/window
Weekly Offnights now shows next week stats
There is enough data from this season -- all tools added 2022-2023 regular season as default
Include at least 3 teams in the search for recommendations
Weekly Offnights now can configure for league settings
Weekly Offnights now has a speed dial floating for access to common actions
We're on Twitter now!
estimated ownership values are now generated 2x daily, rather than weekly
Weekly Offnights can be configured for spoilers and player suggestions
Roster Optimizer players' positions reset when loading previous saved roster (thanks for the report, Luke!)
0GAR weights should be available and used as default, since it's the most accurate portrayal of events
Player recommendations (2021 data) to WO and RO
Player search comboboxes were sluggish, especially on initialization, for RO and Compare Tool
Player search was using 20212022 rosters
Roster Optimizer will migrate players in saved rosters to their latest teeam
Rename Trade Tool to Compare Tool in NAV
Compare Tool icon in NAV was tiny
Some Compare Tool tweaks
player search boxes should be alphabetical
player search boxes should contain teeam icons
better Trade details when adding/removing players
Trade Tool layou, hierarchy and widget rework
Trade Tool loading a player with too few games for the period selected can crash the tab
Some global color/style tweaks
Trade Tool official v1
Trade Tool is now live with 2021-2022 regulary season data
Nav drawer should shade site while open, and close when clicking out
Menu icon larger size, and header thinner
better nav support on small and extra-small screens
better resizing and general sizing on small and XL screens for Roster Optimizer
Weekly Offnights Sort by games/offnights/score/team back
Debug logging in some code
Weekly Offnights legend was incorrectly identifying highlights as games remaining, rather than score
First pass of fixes with the site designer to improve legibiliy and accessibility
Reimplement cookie consent to fix annoying issue constantly prompted
Roster Optimizer sometimes not saving rosters
Roster Optimizer style and layout
Major refactor for security vulnerabilities, speed and bulk
Sometimes we fail to detect the current day and pages highlight/calculate games remaining/offnights incorrectly
Major refactor of theming, auto-layouts and styling
Major rework to support faster paging in weekly offnights
Major rework to support better page accessibility
Add a tip when small screens have less visible info WO
reconciling release candidate/unreleased assortment of fixes/features which were frozen out during playoffs
migrate official build/release to cloud
style, system and unittests to harness upcoming major refactoring
Many players had incorrect teams associated after off-season trades
Weekly Offnights fails to load when data is corrupted (thanks StreetRat over on FHP Discord!)
Some players missing from Roster Optimizer due to being on LTIR/IR at the start of a season
UTIL slots should not allow Goalies
In Weekly Offnights, games in pre-game, ongoing, postponed etc. should not be calculated towards Games Remaining/Score
In RO, games in pre-game, ongoing, postponed etc. should not be calculated towards Games Remaining
Weekly offnights did not correctly display Away icons for NHL teams on the road
Added back to Weekly Offnights Next Week Score/Games/Offnights, and Current Games columns by request
Schedule for alpha-release WIP was not running regularily on the cron job
An issue with column resizing on desktop Weekly Offnights
An issue with the NAV buttons for release notes/chat/email being too close together on small screens
Reduced dead space margins for sm and md screens to help legibility on dense views
Layout changes for Release Notes
Added some alpha-release/WIP for select user feedback
Due to dynamic hide/resize events, some smaller devices never saw contact or releasenote options in navigation
Dates on Weekly Offnights and Roster Optimizer had edge cases where they could show the wrong day or week that have been resolved
Migration of localStorage to use more explicit labelling
Roster Optimizer can show +1 in recommendations despite nights being full where there are competing multiple-eligibility players for the position
Several players missing from RO who are not yet signed to a team but likely will play this season
Fixed some overflow issues on Nav bars
Fixed some overlapping issues in Navbar on extra-small devices
Fixed some overflow issues on Home on extra-small devices
Fixed some overflow issues on Weekly offnights with common long statuses
Game outcome is now displayed all completed or non-scheduled days in Weekly Offnights
Preseason games are now visible in tools
Added a tutorial/tour for Roster Optimizer
Added this Release Notes page, which should be better integrated at some point
Fixed an issue with stale data when returning to the site causing bad schedule dates
Fixed an issue on the backend which caused some daylight savings related discrepancies
Fixed an issue in Roster Optimizer which forced the previous release to always forget info between sessions
Player names are now animated when added in Roster Optimizer to help with visual feedback that it's worked when you have a large roster
The navbar is now collapsable for larger screens
Roster Optimizer now properly handles the two Sebastien Aho players
Roster Optimizer now allows multiple placeholders of teams
Fixed several layout issues with the Home Page
Fixed several theming and color discrepancies between pages
Fixed several layout issues on specific mobile devices
Major overhaul of Weekly Offnights with feedback from early testers (thanks, JustRadek!)
Several copy issues (spelling, grammar) fixed on all pages
Home page sections now have a hover animation to communicate they are clickable
Better feedback when input is invalid for both player search and forecasting # of games
Warn users who opt out of cookies that functionality is limited on Roster Optimizer, and give them the option to fix it