Weekly Offnights shows preseason games on the first days of the reg season so we add Pre to denote these
Some fantasy relevant players missing due to low ownership cutoff
Welcome back, fans!
remove ARI from NHL teams on Weekly Offnights
Goalies and some players broke the Compare/Trade tool page due to an oversight with data
Some players were undiscoverable in data for Compare/Trade
Trade weights were skewed too heavily on extremely rare events like shGoal/shAssist
Turning Owned % to 0 would hide recommendations; instead turn down to 1%
Ownership steps in 5% not 10% increments
Ownership was set per-page, but should be user-preference
FVPG page which is easier to browse recommended and related players
Ability to filter and sort on the fvpg tables
Styling on WO and FVPG pages for their headers especially
Utah in, ARI out for player/placeholder search
FVPG page early release
title line height on homescreen
homescreen gridding is wonky on resizing
FVPG underlying data occasionally had missing data, resulting in some discrpancies between builds
document player tooltips and orange dot marker for RO (Ryan Kelly contrib